Jason Peck, is an award-winning English humorist, actor and comedian based in Chicago, IL. As a comedian, he performed stand-up on the London comedy circuit, worked as an improviser, wrote and performed material for Newsrevue and contributed material to The Treason Show.
Author's posts
Jun 11
Two Killer Ways to Increase Your Laughter Power
I was doing my penultimate speech in an Advanced Manual at my Toastmasters club Grosvenor Square Speakers recently. There were only 16 people in the audience, including the time-keeper and General Evaluator. I was all set to go on second, when my name suddenly got read out to speak first. I went up and did …
Jun 10
Public Speaking: Dress to Impress
Before you speak to an audience consider the clothes that you’re going to wear. Of course there might be a situation where you’re just giving a presentation to your team, so you would wear what you would normally at work. But if you can, and it’s appropriate to do so, try to dress smartly when …
Jun 05
Secret Comedy Writing Technique – Daffynitions
The next post in my Secret Comedy Writing Technique deals with Daffynitions. I actually only heard of this technique a couple of years ago. The term Daffynitions comes from the word daffy meaning “a little crazy” and the word “definition”, which obviously provides the meaning or a word. Hence we get the word Daffynitions. The …
Jun 03
Pulblic Speaking: Hecklers
This may seem a bit incongruous to the public speaking arena and more associated with comedy clubs, but it does happen. But even in the comedy club market heckling doesn’t happen as often as some people think that it does. So in the corporate environment I’d have to say that it happens even less than …
May 28
Secret Comedy Writing Technique – Mondegreens
Another entry in my mini series Secret Comedy Writing Techniques are Mondegreens This is when you miss hear the lyric of a song or some other spoken line. Examples of this are as follows: