Tag: Toastmasters

Interview with 2008 Evaluation Champion

The International Speech Contest and Evaluation Contest is just around the corner here in the U.K. I recently managed to secure an interview with Hilary Briggs, chairman of ACE Group 29, The Academy for Chief Executives, Area 33 Governor and, most importantly for the purposes of this blog, U.K. and Ireland Evaluation Champion 2008. I wanted …

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Why Make a Speech at All?

“Speeches fail because they focus on the speaker not on the audience” – Phillip Khan-Panni In the run up to the International Speech Contest Division B put on a public speaking seminar with Phillip Khan-Panni, former three-time U.K. & Ireland Public Speaking Champion, silver medallist in the World Championships and also former member of my …

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Institutionalised Public Speaking

Author’s note: Due to some technical difficuties I’ve had to restore my blog. However, in the process I lost some of my posts and comments. Luckily, I had some of my posts backed up. This is why you’re now reading this post again. Thank you for bearing with me. Are you coasting along with your …

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“Could you read this out loud for me?”

There are occasionally times that our speaking in public we will be a reading. This may occur in a situation like a wedding or a funeral. You could be asked to read from anything including, but not limited to, Shakespeare (his plays or sonnets), poetry, prose (novels, short stories, etc), theatre play-scripts and so on. I’ll provide …

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Speakers – Embrace your Inner Actor!

Here’s something that’s been floating around in the back of my head for a number of months. When you get up and present are you acting? You might think that you’re not. But I’d suggest that if you’re not using acting and theatre techniques when you present, then you’re seriously missing out on taking your …

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