I wanted to write about my experiences of Toastmasters in the U.S. compared with my experiences with it in the U.K. While the main focus will be geared towards fellow Toastmasters, I will try provide useful information for the non-member too. The great thing about Toastmasters is that essentially you can pretty much go to …
Tag: Toastmasters
Jul 21
How to Give a Funny Presentation – A Best Man’s Speech
If you’re interested in learning how to provide a funny presentation, or even your own best man speech, then this post will provide you with a useful analysis of a humorous speech in action. I got asked to have a look at a video clip of former GB & Ireland Toastmasters Speaking Champ Simon Bucknall’s …
May 16
President Obama’s 2,000 Year Old Speaking Secret
If you have to make presentations as part of your job you might be able to pick up some useful tips from this post. This post is a kind of follow up to my post Lessons from President Obama’s Inaugural Speech. This is also a great post for those who are working their way through …
Apr 29
Twitter and Presentations: The Ultimate Interruption?
Unless you’ve been living under a rock you would’ve heard about Twitter. Now, it seems, even live presenters aren’t immune from it’s charms. Speaker Olivia Mitchell blogged about using Twitter in a presentation. She provides some very useful tips on harnessing the power of this new social communication tool…
Apr 18
Humorously Speaking, project 1
Are you a member of Toastmasters International and have completed your 10 speeches earning you Competent Communicator status and are looking to start the Advanced Manuals? Maybe you’re considering doing the Humorously Speaking Manual? Keep in mind that the Humorous Speech Contest comes up once a year. Or perhaps you just want to learn an …