Consumer Note: I am in no way advocating the usage of this product. I am only providing my thoughts on the creation of such a product and what people can do for themselves without relying on tablets. A pill has been released that claims to be a public speaking cure. Bravina is a combination of …
Tag: Public Speaking
Jun 01
Speedlinking – Posts I’ve Read – 1st June 2009
I’ve decided to experiment after reading a post here about a technique called Speed-linking that Darren Rowse used to use. Fundamentally, it’s a round up of links that I have found interesting over the last day or five, and hope that you find interesting too. There isn’t an overall theme, other than presentation skills and …
Jan 26
To Memorise, or not Memorise
“The man who writes out and memorises his talks is wasting his time and energy and courting disaster” – Dale Carnegie During my development as a public speaker I have often wrestled with whether I should memorise my speeches or not.
Jan 17
Speakers – Embrace your Inner Actor!
Here’s something that’s been floating around in the back of my head for a number of months. When you get up and present are you acting? You might think that you’re not. But I’d suggest that if you’re not using acting and theatre techniques when you present, then you’re seriously missing out on taking your …
Jan 14
Public Speaking: Causing Offence (or not)
There have been some interesting things going on in British newspapers this past week or so. We had Prince Harry’s gaffe reported as he was on videotape calling an army friend a “p*ki”. Immediately on the tail of that we had his father, Prince Charles, in the papers for having called an Asian Businessman “sooty”.