As you probably know by now I think it’s important for humorous speakers to be able to handle joke stories or street jokes, if you prefer. Essentially jokes stories are ones that people tell you on the street. Or at work, down the pub, etc. In the comedy world a lot of people see joke-smiths …
Tag: humorous speech contest
Jul 29
street joke delivery
Okay, following on from my last post about editing joke stories, here’s my edited version of the selected street joke: A little girl puts her hand up and says: a cold is contagious Teacher’s like: “well done. Anybody else?” A little boy puts his hand up (hand goes up): “yawning is contagious” “Excellent”. Then Little …
Jul 19
The street joke editing process…
After my last post on joke stories, here comes the fun part. You’re gonna edit your street joke down. Don’t feel that you’re not qualified. You are don’t worry. As long as you can speak and paraphrase you’re gonna be fine at editing a street joke, or joke story if you prefer. A word of …
Jul 19
Short Funny Jokes: The Selection process…
So if you’ve been following along with these last couple of posts about joke stories, you’ve probably got the main joke books from Thats Comedy by now and you probably want to try out one of the gags. Before I continue let me just say if you’re an experienced comedian or comedy writer reading this …
Jul 19
Short Funny Jokes, part 2
As I said in my last post about joke stories, I discovered a great resource for finding short funny jokes (and long ones) on the Internet and it’s called… That’s Comedy Here’s what amounts to my review and overview of this resource. So how is this different from all the other joke story websites you …