Tag: humorous speech contest

Secret Comedy Writing Techniques – Funny Words

“Fifty-seven years in this business, you learn a few things. You know what makes an audience laugh. You know what words are funny and which words are not funny. Alka Seltzer is funny. You say “Alka Seltzer” you get a laugh… words with a “K” in them are funny. Casey Stengel, that’s a funny name. …

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Advanced Humorous Speaking – How Do You Define Bombing?

I did the first speech in the Toastmasters Advanced Manual; “Humorously Speaking” and it’s left me somewhat confused. So I figured I might be able to work out some of my thoughts about it here. In the process of analysing my speech I will offer up what I did, how I feel it went and …

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How Can You Capture Your Sense of Humour?

For those of you who really want to learn stand-up comedy, or humorous speaking, I wanted to share with you a recent newsletter that I received from my comedy colleague Steve Roye. His newsletter is the “Comedy Success Professional Newsletter” (CSPN) and is offered specifically for new and experienced comedy professionals. If you haven’t done …

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Top Comedy Secrets review

Let me start by saying that I don’t believe there is a single secret, tool, or formula that will make you a successful  humorous speaker or help you learn stand-up comedy. But there are methods that allow you to harness the sense of humour you already possess. That, plus a little bit of effort. I think it’s …

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Comedy and Public Speaking

Being able to incorporate humour into your speeches is greatly going to help you become a popular and sought after speaker. People always love it when a speaker can make them laugh. It especially helps when you can tie your humour into your speech topic, so that your message is better remembered. Let me give …

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