Tag: communication skills

101 Presentation Hacks

In my attempt to try and help level the public speaking playing field I present you with a list of 101 Presentation Hacks. I’ve tried to break them up into categories so the list is slightly easier to digest. For additional information check out my post on interesting research presentations. Preparation 1. Finding a subject; …

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Public Speaking tip: “Just the facts, ma’am”

I was inspired to write this post after seeing a similar post on Lisa Braithwaite’s Speak Schmeak and remembering some of my own frustrations with this area. A lot of speakers I’ve seen this past year seem to have developed the “habit” of quoting information without citing any sources.

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Speech Masterclass D.I.Y – would you do it?

I have decided to split this post in half because there is something that needs to be addressed before we even get into looking at Simon Bucknall’s Masterclass. If you wanted to take your speaking skills to the next level and maybe even compete, but you couldn’t afford a speech coach what would you do?

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