There has been much written on the subject of verbal and non-verbal communication. I wanted to provide my 2 pence worth on this subject and how it relates to creating funny presentations. A vast majority of speakers and training companies often misuse research by Dr Albert Mehrabian who statistics have been massaged to provide us …
Tag: business presentations
Jul 19
ProHumorist’s 2nd Birthday plus July Speedlinks
Wow, so another year has flown by and this blog hits it’s second birthday!! So my blog is now a toddler and is entering its “terrible twos”… oh joy. I’d just to take this opportunity to thank everybody who has become involved with the community here through their comments. I’d like to thank all my …
Jul 06
Creating a Funny Intro for a Presentation
If you’re looking for a way to create a funny introductions about yourself for a presentation you should consider that you’re introduction is actually going to be made up of two parts. First of all you’ll have your pre-introduction and then you will have your introduction proper, this is something that I learned from the …
May 16
President Obama’s 2,000 Year Old Speaking Secret
If you have to make presentations as part of your job you might be able to pick up some useful tips from this post. This post is a kind of follow up to my post Lessons from President Obama’s Inaugural Speech. This is also a great post for those who are working their way through …
Feb 17
How Do You Create a Funny Presentation?
How Do You Create a Funny Presentation? The question of the ages…. Well, ok that’s not strictly true. In my post 101 Presentation Hacks I provided a few points on how to create funny powerpoint presentations. What a lot of people forget is that even though they are giving a presentation in a business or …