Speedlinking – Posts I’ve Read – 1st June 2009

I’ve decided to experiment after reading a post here about a technique called Speed-linking that Darren Rowse used to use. Fundamentally, it’s a round up of links that I have found interesting over the last day or five, and hope that you find interesting too. There isn’t an overall theme, other than presentation skills and public speaking. So here are some post that I’ve read and enjoyed today:

  • Over at Maniactive, Laura Bergells discusses her Presentation Diet Plan. I’m now noodling on conducting an actual experiment with this. Complete with graphs, bunsen burners and tapioca.
  • On the other hand, Lisa Braithwaite over at Speak Schmeak, a blog name which always makes me smile, offers her own diet plan Fueling your Presentation.
  • Off the food-related posts Nick Morgan reveals The Five Top Speaking Tips from the Ancient Greeks. Which nicely ties into a post I made recently, President Obama’s 2,000 Year Old Speaking Secret.
  • Um… Andrew Dlugan has a post over at Six Minutes about whether filler words are actually detrimental: Are… um… Filler Words… ah… Okay?. It could be that it’s just a bad thing when it comes to Toastmasters. Although, I wouldn’t put it past filler words being the spawn of Satan.
  • Then uber hard-working speaker Nick R Thomas reminds us that Audiences are a public speaker’s great resource. Never a truer topic for a post. Who likes speakers whose content sounds like this: “Me, Me, and ME”?
  • And finally, Humor Power’s John Kinde informs us of the benefits of taking a class in improvisation, improv makes you a better speaker.

That’s yer lot for now. Don’t get too overwhelmed with information and take action where you can!


  1. Great list! Some I’ve read and some I haven’t gotten around to yet, so thanks for the reminder!

    Lisa Braithwaite’s last blog post..Awkward

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