Confessions of a Comedy Snob

Ok alright I admit, I’m a comedy snob. You dragged it out of me. There are you happy? I really wanted to get into Bo Selecta, but I couldn’t.

I admired what Leigh Francis did, but as for actual physical laughs… none were to be found from me.  I did laugh once, and it was a short one, when the “neck-brace guy character” described Kelly Osbourne as having a lot of face. Continue reading

The Pitfalls of Joke Stories at Work

I’ve written before that I have a love hate relationship with joke stories or, street jokes. Let me clarify the sort of thing I am talking about:

Two campers are walking through the woods. A huge brown bear appears just ahead of them. The first guy drops his backpack and digs out a pair of trainers. The second guy goes: “you’ll never be able to outrun a bear.” So the first guy says: “I don’t need to be able to outrun the bear, I just need to outrun you”. Continue reading

Craig McLachan Dies a Comedy Death

In recent years there has been a “fashion” for some celebrities to try their hand at stand-up comedy. We’ve had DVDs from ex-Cricketer Phil Tufnell, sitcom actor Ricky Tomlinson and creator of The Office and Extras Ricky Gervais. Whilst for Tomlinson and Gervais it seems a natural progression of their comedy careers, it seems a bit incongruous for Tufnell. With some of the celebs you get a lesson in how NOT to be comedian.

Each of the above three have had success with the transition despite some seeing it as a cynical ploy of cashing in on their successes in other areas. Continue reading

How Do You Create a Funny Presentation?

How Do You Create a Funny Presentation? The question of the ages…. Well, ok that’s not strictly true.

In my post 101 Presentation Hacks I provided a few points on how to create funny powerpoint presentations. What a lot of people forget is that even though they are giving a presentation in a business or work environment, they are still speaking to people. People love to be entertained. That’s why reality T.V. has been really popular, aside from the cheapness of the programming, they’re entertaining.
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Your Comic “Persona”

I’m back, sorry if you missed me yesterday. I threw up a post on Sunday in response to a fellow Brit blogger and it put me off my stride. I’m glad you came back and you’re reading this post, as I want to to about you. There are lots of books out there that provide a rather mathematical approach when it comes to learning how to be funny. That’s why I want to talk about you. I want to talk to you about you.

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