Confessions of a Comedy Snob

Ok alright I admit, I’m a comedy snob. You dragged it out of me. There are you happy? I really wanted to get into Bo Selecta, but I couldn’t.

I admired what Leigh Francis did, but as for actual physical laughs… none were to be found from me.  I did laugh once, and it was a short one, when the “neck-brace guy character” described Kelly Osbourne as having a lot of face. Continue reading

How Do You Create a Funny Presentation?

How Do You Create a Funny Presentation? The question of the ages…. Well, ok that’s not strictly true.

In my post 101 Presentation Hacks I provided a few points on how to create funny powerpoint presentations. What a lot of people forget is that even though they are giving a presentation in a business or work environment, they are still speaking to people. People love to be entertained. That’s why reality T.V. has been really popular, aside from the cheapness of the programming, they’re entertaining.
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Your Comic “Persona”

I’m back, sorry if you missed me yesterday. I threw up a post on Sunday in response to a fellow Brit blogger and it put me off my stride. I’m glad you came back and you’re reading this post, as I want to to about you. There are lots of books out there that provide a rather mathematical approach when it comes to learning how to be funny. That’s why I want to talk about you. I want to talk to you about you.

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Institutionalised Public Speaking

Author’s note: Due to some technical difficuties I’ve had to restore my blog. However, in the process I lost some of my posts and comments. Luckily, I had some of my posts backed up. This is why you’re now reading this post again. Thank you for bearing with me.

Are you coasting along with your presenting? Do you bother to continue to learn and develop your skills? Or is there nothing more for you to learn? Amazingly, in my experience, people who do presentations as part of their job, don’t bother to hone and develp their skills. They reach a certain level and remain where they are. This can be especially true for those who do Toastmasters public speaking.

I wanted to share my views on a post put up by one of my friends from the UK public speaking blogosphere Nick R Thomas. He wrote a warning about not becoming an Institutionalised Public Speaker. He talks about his own experiences as a speaker and trainer working towards his Associate Diploma in public speaking. Continue reading

The Power of Myth for Speakers

Stories and storytelling can be quite a powerful thing when it comes to delivering speeches. Whilst we don’t necessarily have to tell epic stories that go on for many, many days I think that it’s useful for us to be aware of how stories are structured.

We also shouldn’t feel obliged to include all of the elements that I’m going to discuss here. This is just what appears in plays, screenplays, myths and novels. These areas come up again and again. Continue reading