I wanted to provide some quick tips for you to improve your presentation skills. Read, Study, Re-read, memorise and generally imprint the following books, blogs and tips on your brain. 1. Read the book Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds. 2. Really Bad PowerPoint by Seth Godin (link to download the PDF) 3. Grab the book …
Category: Public Speaking
Jul 19
ProHumorist’s 2nd Birthday plus July Speedlinks
Wow, so another year has flown by and this blog hits it’s second birthday!! So my blog is now a toddler and is entering its “terrible twos”… oh joy. I’d just to take this opportunity to thank everybody who has become involved with the community here through their comments. I’d like to thank all my …
Jun 04
Rewrite, Rewrite, Rewrite
You’ve probably heard the expression “great speeches aren’t written, they’re re-written”. It’s a clichéd expression that has been adapted countless times and has previously been used for novels, screenplays, theatre scripts and so on. It’s become a cliché because an element of truth can be found in it and it’s absolutely applicable if you have …
Jun 03
How Room Design May Affect Your Presentation
“…the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture in San Diego are encouraging interdisciplinary research into how a planned environment influences the mind…” Scientific American Mind, April 09 It’s interesting that research is being done into how the architecture of buildings affects mental ability. I think this research is interesting for those of us who have to make …
Jun 01
Speedlinking – Posts I’ve Read – 1st June 2009
I’ve decided to experiment after reading a post here about a technique called Speed-linking that Darren Rowse used to use. Fundamentally, it’s a round up of links that I have found interesting over the last day or five, and hope that you find interesting too. There isn’t an overall theme, other than presentation skills and …