You’re in a room, giving a presentation that you know like the back of your hand, everything’s going well. And then the sun sets… and sunlight pours through the window and washes out your PowerPoint presentation. Argh! What to do? Draw the blinds! WHAT? There are NO BLINDS? Egad, now what?
Category: Presentations
Jan 12
Tearing up the Public Speaking Rulebook
I’ve written about the various tips and techniques of creating effective public speaking skills. A quick google search or a run through some of the peeps on my blogroll can reveal a lot more of the Dos and Don’ts. There’s advice on effective openings, structuring the body of your presentation and so on and so …
Jul 24
Presentations: Fast Tip
Many presenters still use whiteboards and flip-charts as part of their presentations. If you’re doing this yourself or allowing someone else to use your work’s facilities make sure that they don’t use permanent markers.
Mar 01
Public Speaking: It’s All About You
I want you to take a look at this clip of 2001 Public Speaking World Champion, Darren LaCroix. The bit that I’m keen for you to focus on is the bit where he starts his award-winning speech, which is after his intro. After you’re done, I want you to come back and read the rest …
Feb 20
How Can You Capture Your Sense of Humour?
For those of you who really want to learn stand-up comedy, or humorous speaking, I wanted to share with you a recent newsletter that I received from my comedy colleague Steve Roye. His newsletter is the “Comedy Success Professional Newsletter” (CSPN) and is offered specifically for new and experienced comedy professionals. If you haven’t done …