Category: Comedy

How Can You Capture Your Sense of Humour?

For those of you who really want to learn stand-up comedy, or humorous speaking, I wanted to share with you a recent newsletter that I received from my comedy colleague Steve Roye. His newsletter is the “Comedy Success Professional Newsletter” (CSPN) and is offered specifically for new and experienced comedy professionals. If you haven’t done …

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Top Comedy Secrets review

Let me start by saying that I don’t believe there is a single secret, tool, or formula that will make you a successful  humorous speaker or help you learn stand-up comedy. But there are methods that allow you to harness the sense of humour you already possess. That, plus a little bit of effort. I think it’s …

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Comedy and Public Speaking

Being able to incorporate humour into your speeches is greatly going to help you become a popular and sought after speaker. People always love it when a speaker can make them laugh. It especially helps when you can tie your humour into your speech topic, so that your message is better remembered. Let me give …

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