Jason Peck

Jason Peck, is an award-winning English humorist, actor and comedian based in Chicago, IL. As a comedian, he performed stand-up on the London comedy circuit, worked as an improviser, wrote and performed material for Newsrevue and contributed material to The Treason Show.

Author's posts

Speedlinking – Posts I’ve Read – 1st June 2009

I’ve decided to experiment after reading a post here about a technique called Speed-linking that Darren Rowse used to use. Fundamentally, it’s a round up of links that I have found interesting over the last day or five, and hope that you find interesting too. There isn’t an overall theme, other than presentation skills and …

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Public Speaking Blogger Appears in First Feature Film

Sisterhood Gets a DVD release! If you are a regular reader you would have read about an appearance that I made in a low budget movie called Sisterhood. I blogged about this Brit-Kiwi comedy here, it’s been slowly building up momentum and has appeared at a few film festivals, been nominated for a few awards …

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32 Essential Skills Every Humorous Speaker Should Have

I’ve been inspired by fellow blogger Andrew Dlugan’s post 25 Essential Presentation Skills for Public Speaking.  I think in order to help you learn to be funny, these are some of the skills and humour techniques that you should have. Some directly relate to giving a speech, whilst others involve external factors. You’ll see what …

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President Obama’s 2,000 Year Old Speaking Secret

If you have to make presentations as part of your job you might be able to pick up some useful tips from this post. This post is a kind of follow up to my post Lessons from President Obama’s Inaugural Speech. This is also a great post for those who are working their way through …

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Musical Impressionist Danny Gans Passes Away

I was surprised to hear of the passing of musical impressionist Danny Gans who was 52. While you may not have heard of Danny Gans his story is certainly fascinating. A former minor league Baseball player Gans tried his hand at stand-up comedy performing in comedy clubs at the beginning of his career, but he …

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