Jason Peck, is an award-winning English humorist, actor and comedian based in Chicago, IL. As a comedian, he performed stand-up on the London comedy circuit, worked as an improviser, wrote and performed material for Newsrevue and contributed material to The Treason Show.
Author's posts
Jul 21
How to Give a Funny Presentation – A Best Man’s Speech
If you’re interested in learning how to provide a funny presentation, or even your own best man speech, then this post will provide you with a useful analysis of a humorous speech in action. I got asked to have a look at a video clip of former GB & Ireland Toastmasters Speaking Champ Simon Bucknall’s …
Jul 19
ProHumorist’s 2nd Birthday plus July Speedlinks
Wow, so another year has flown by and this blog hits it’s second birthday!! So my blog is now a toddler and is entering its “terrible twos”… oh joy. I’d just to take this opportunity to thank everybody who has become involved with the community here through their comments. I’d like to thank all my …
Jul 10
Humour is all about the… timing
I was inspired to write a companion piece to an article that Lisa Braithwaite published over at Speak Schmeak – rewards of ending on time. If you haven’t checked it out, make sure that you do. I wanted to talk about my own experiences with speech timing and also provide some some tips on funny presentations.
Jul 06
Creating a Funny Intro for a Presentation
If you’re looking for a way to create a funny introductions about yourself for a presentation you should consider that you’re introduction is actually going to be made up of two parts. First of all you’ll have your pre-introduction and then you will have your introduction proper, this is something that I learned from the …
Jul 03
Funny PowerPoint Presentations
In order to create funny PowerPoints and give an effective presentation you need to spend a certain proportion of time designing your slides. I’m not talking about fancy decoration to make your slides look pretty or interesting for the sake. That alone does not create funny PowerPoints. You should take time to consider the image …