Jason Peck, is an award-winning English humorist, actor and comedian based in Chicago, IL. As a comedian, he performed stand-up on the London comedy circuit, worked as an improviser, wrote and performed material for Newsrevue and contributed material to The Treason Show.
Author's posts
Aug 13
Leadership: According to Toastmasters
I recently wrote a post about leadership and decided to write a follow-up after exploring the Toastmasters International website. They talk about how difficult it is to define leadership. People have different kinds of reactions to the word leadership, but we all seem to know good leadership when we see it.
Aug 12
Humorous Speech Contest
Well contest season at Toastmasters is rapidly approaching… again. It only seems five minutes ago that we were approaching the International Speech contest, which was waaaay back in February this year. Yikes. Now we have the Humorous Speech contest. This is probably going to have to be an occasion where I take a back seat. …
Aug 07
Leadership Skills
Leadership. We all know the term but we don’t always know what effective leadership is. Managers are leaders aren’t they? In my experience some are and some aren’t. It can be an easy concept to explain, but a difficult one to implement and implement well.
Jul 24
Presentations: Fast Tip
Many presenters still use whiteboards and flip-charts as part of their presentations. If you’re doing this yourself or allowing someone else to use your work’s facilities make sure that they don’t use permanent markers.
Jul 20
Pro Humorist – One Years Old – Happy Birthday!!!
Yesterday Pro Humorist was ONE YEAR’S OLD! I cannot believe that it’s been 12 months since I launched this site. And what a 12 months it’s been! I’ve forged some new professional relationships thanks to this blog and it has even provided me with more opportunities to speak at Toastmasters clubs.