Jason Peck, is an award-winning English humorist, actor and comedian based in Chicago, IL. As a comedian, he performed stand-up on the London comedy circuit, worked as an improviser, wrote and performed material for Newsrevue and contributed material to The Treason Show.
Author's posts
Feb 25
Confessions of a Comedy Snob
Ok alright I admit, I’m a comedy snob. You dragged it out of me. There are you happy? I really wanted to get into Bo Selecta, but I couldn’t. I admired what Leigh Francis did, but as for actual physical laughs… none were to be found from me. I did laugh once, and it was …
Feb 17
How Do You Create a Funny Presentation?
How Do You Create a Funny Presentation? The question of the ages…. Well, ok that’s not strictly true. In my post 101 Presentation Hacks I provided a few points on how to create funny powerpoint presentations. What a lot of people forget is that even though they are giving a presentation in a business or …
Feb 17
Your Comic “Persona”
I’m back, sorry if you missed me yesterday. I threw up a post on Sunday in response to a fellow Brit blogger and it put me off my stride. I’m glad you came back and you’re reading this post, as I want to to about you. There are lots of books out there that provide …
Feb 17
Institutionalised Public Speaking
Author’s note: Due to some technical difficuties I’ve had to restore my blog. However, in the process I lost some of my posts and comments. Luckily, I had some of my posts backed up. This is why you’re now reading this post again. Thank you for bearing with me. Are you coasting along with your …
Feb 02
The Power of Myth for Speakers
Stories and storytelling can be quite a powerful thing when it comes to delivering speeches. Whilst we don’t necessarily have to tell epic stories that go on for many, many days I think that it’s useful for us to be aware of how stories are structured. We also shouldn’t feel obliged to include all of …