Tag: Public Speaking Skills

Creating Killer Content Off the Cuff, part 3

I’ve had a bit of a think and this could be a way for the Borden Method for public speaking, as discussed in the former blog of Public Speaking Coach, Eric Feng and Mind Mapping as written about in my previous post could synergise. To start with we have from the Borden method that featured on …

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Creating Killer Content Off the Cuff, part 2

I never really intended to write a follow up to my previous post Creating Killer Content Off the Cuff, but I have because both myself, and fellow speaker Eric Feng, blogged on the same subject. Eric spoke about the Borden method: “Ho hum!” (or B-O-R-I-N-G!) “Why bring that up?” “For instance?” “So what?” and I …

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Amazing Public Speaking Skill – The Hancock Manoeuvre

I re-read a great book on public speaking recently and I was reminded of a technique which was the first one I ever used! I’ll give you a brief background on the book and the technique itself before I tell you about my experience with it. The book I had read was called “Just Say …

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7 Tips for Conquering Public Speaking Fear

We’ve all heard about how people’s number fear is public speaking. The comedian Jerry Seinfeld had this to say on the fear of public speaking: “The number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Number two. That means most people would rather be in the casket than doing the eulogy”. Although the line …

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